What do kids want?

Nov 15, 2011

As parents of kids we love doing what makes them happy. We enjoy taking them to soccer and ballet practice and watching them perform at recitals and games. Our children are our pride and joy. But sometimes we don’t consider what our kids want us to be doing. We like to think we know best but sometimes it’s good to hear our kids out. Here are some tips on what kids want from their parents. 


Photo by Naypong

  1. Come into my bedroom at night, tuck me in and sing me a song. Also tell me stories about when you were little.

  2. Give me hugs and kisses and sit and talk with me privately.

  3. Spend quality time just with me, not with my brothers and sisters around.

  4. Give me nutritious food so I can grow up healthy.

  5. At dinner talk about what we could do together on the weekend.

  6. At night talk to me about about anything; love, school, family etc.

  7. Let me play outside a lot.

  8. Cuddle under a blanket and watch our favorite TV show together.

  9. Discipline me. It makes me feel like you care.

  10. Leave special messages in my desk or lunch bag.

Sometimes, it's hard being a parent. We want to please our kids but we know that everything they want isn't always good for them. Yahoo conducted a study to find out what kids want their moms to do more often. Here's what they found.. What do boys want more from their moms?

- To play video games, of course!

- As a parents it's good to spend time doing fun activities with your boys but at the same time you can make it educational (ie: Are you smarter than a 5th grader?).

- Play Kinect or any system that requires movement so you get a good workout in!

What do girls want more from their moms?

- It should be no surprise that young girls would like to shop and go to the mall with their moms!

- Going to the mall is also a good lesson on spending your money wisely, give your daughter an allowance and when it's gone, no more shopping!

- Make a girls days out of going to the mall - get your nails done, or your ears pierced, it doesn't always have to be about shopping.

The important thing is that you spend time with you kids. Making time in your busy schedule for children lets them know that you care about them and want to spend time with them.

What do you think? Have you experienced anything that you would add to the list?

Also check out What Kids Want Their Dads to Know from Celebrate Calm. 




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